Rathdrum Cancer Support Group
Free Transport Service: Contact 087 691 7675 or email transport@rathdrumcancersupport
Free Counselling Service: Contact 087 7595956 or email counselling@rathdrumcancersupport
Drop-In Centre: ‘The Old Library’ 11 Gilbert’s Row Monday, Wednesday and Friday 10am-12noon, for advice and support.
Clothes Recycling: Donations of clothes are always welcome to the clothes banks in Lower Main Street Car Park, Rathdrum.
Laragh and Glendalough Tidy Towns
We will be having a stall at this year’s Brockagh Christmas Market on Dec 1st from 10am to 3pm. Our raffle has some great prizes and you can purchase tickets at the mariet
Songs & Sleigh Bells
Come join us for a beautiful afternoon of music hosted by the Community Youth Choir and Lets Sing Together Choir. They will be joined by other local music groups on the day. This event is on Sun 15th of December at St. Laurence O’Toole Church Roundwood, 3pm. This is followed by refreshments in Kavanagh’s pub. Donations bucket on the door and raffle with all proceeds going to Roundwood Cancer Support and local causes.
Rathdrum Cancer Support Group Men's Open Evening
RCSG is holding a Men's Open Evening on Tuesday 3rd December 2024 at 7.30pm in The Old Library, 11 Gilbert's Row, Rathdrum. This evening is open to all men whose lives have been impacted by cancer, either themselves or where a family member had cancer. It will be an informal meeting where men can find out more about RCSG and the services it offers in a safe and trusted environment. If you have any questions or need further information please contact Imelda 087 7595956.
Laragh & Glendalough Tidy Towns
LGTT will be at this year’s Brockagh Christmas Market again this year with great raffle prizes to win. Thank you to all who donated prizes. These prizes include 2 night stay in Deerstone’s Shepherds Huts, Claralara family day pass, Lynham’s Hotel voucher €100, Supervalu Wicklow voucher €50, a bottle from Glendalough Distillery, full of goodness local honey(also trading at the market), pilates with Zara at the Brockagh Centre, and more…You can buy tickets from Lynham’s Hotel, Glendalough Green Cafe or from Deborah at the Brockagh Resource Centre.
We will be at the market on Sunday, Dec 1st from 10am to 3pm in the Mountain View Room along with members of the Laragh Glendalough Sustainable Energy Group to have a chat on issues that affect you in the area or if you have any suggestions or ideas to improve our community.
Elevation School of Performing Arts
Classes available at the Brockagh Resource Centre, Laragh on Mondays 4.15 Acro Squad, 5pm Arco L2, 6.30pm Adv Tumbling/Squad Dance. On Wednesdays 2.45pm Tiny Acro/Dance/Mini Acro, 3.30pm Youth Cheer/Dance, 4.30pm Cheer Team: Lucky Stars, 5pm Gr ¾ Mod, 6pm Snr Mod (2hrs), 7pm Zumba(45mins). Saturdays are 9am Technique Team & Squad.
We offer graded examinations, performances and workshops in a safe and encouraging environment with fully qualified teachers. Email elevationdance@gmail.com to register for classes or text 0868256775.Website at www.elevationschoolofperformingarts.com.
Pilates Classes in Laragh
Pilates strengthens core muscles, improves muscle control, flexibility, strength and tone, as well as alignment and breathing. Zara Elkinson has trained and qualified through the STOTT Pilates Method of Movement. This method combines modern theories of exercise science with spinal rehabilitation, which gives a safe and effective exercise that sees results and is accessible to all. Offering STOTT Pilates Matwork Classes based in Co.Wicklow. Both group and private classes available, Beginners and Improvers welcome! Like on Facebook @PilatesWithZara. Contact Zara on 0879367474. Classes are on Mon eve at 7pm.
AA Meetings (Ongoing)
Closed AA Meetings are held in the Brockagh Resource Centre at 8.30 p.m. every Monday night.
Zumba Class
Come and join the Zumba class in the Brockagh Resource Centre, Laragh each Wednesday from 7pm to 7.45pm. Walk in class, no need to book. Contact details are 086- 825- 6775, elevationdance@gmail.com.
Brockagh Christmas Market Dec 1st
This year for our Annual Christmas Market we are pulling out all the stops!!! SANTA IS BACK!! BUY A STALL AND ENTER OUR DRAW TO WIN A MEAL FOR TWO PEOPLE IN THE WICKLOW HEATHER LARAGH!! Children will not only get a chance to visit Santa in his Grotto but can also win a prize for the best Christmas Festive Dressed and get your Face Painted!! Mince Pies, Hotdogs, Burgers and Tea/Coffee for sale on the day.
Brockagh Christmas Market is back on Sunday 1st Dec 2024 from 10am to 3pm. As always, there will be a great selection of gifts, crafts, baking, jewellery, art, and beauty products etc.. Making your Local Christmas shopping experience very festive. Contact Michelle at brockaghoffice@gmail.com or for more information phone 0404 45600, www.brockaghresourcecentre.ie.
Brockagh Digital Hub
We have a mixture of Hot Desks, Dedicated (Weekly/Monthly) Desks, Pod with High Speed Broadband Connection. Our shared working space is located in the the heart of county Wicklow with panoramic views of the stunning Glendalough Valley. Free parking, free tea/coffee facilities and lift access. To avail of the discounted rates you must pre-book your desk through brockaghhub@gmail.com only. Daily Rate €15, half day rate €10, weekly rate €60, monthly rate available. We also have a special student rate of €10 day rate or half day rate €5. Register now as a Member on our connectedhubs.ie site.. We are waiting to see if they are renewing the voucher scheme. All bookings to be made through either connectedhubs.ie or for discounts email brockaghhub@gmail.com. Mon-Fri, 9am to 5pm. www.brockaghresourcecentre.ie.