Wicklow Pioneers Mass
On 16th of June, mass at 9am in St. Kevin’s Church, Laragh will be for living & deceased members of Wicklow Pioneers. All are welcome.
Glendalough Community Excavations
We are delighted to announce that Glendalough Community Excavations will return 8th-18th August 2023. If you have an interest in archaeology and Glendalough it is a fantastic experience. We regret we cannot offer places to those under 18 this year but we hope to welcome younger participants again next year. Adult places (subject to availability) are available from fixed blocks of two or three days. No prior knowledge of excavation is required and we endeavour to accommodate people of all abilities. For information and details of application please email glendaloughheritageforum@gmail.com.
An American Celebration of Music
An uplifting concert of music from both sides of the Atlantic
Featuring, direct from U.S.A! Northern Cincinnati Youth Orchestra, directed by Marva Rasmussen & Carolyn Quinn.
This is a free concert on Friday 9th June at 3pm. Everyone is welcome.
Bright Stars (Toddler and Baby Group)
We had a great gathering this week at The Brockagh Centre, nearly 20+ ‘bright stars’ attended their weekly get-together and had fun with a mixture of lovely treats and danced to ‘head shoulders, knees & toes and the ‘hokey pokey’. ‘Moo Music’ will be here 14th June and our last get together will be 28th June - Leonard from First Aid Ireland will be giving a short Pediatric talk.
Thank you all for your continued weekly attendance, it keeps our group interesting and a great way to make friends and keep in contact with each other.
Tae kwon-Do for Youths and Adults
Teens and adults will enjoy Taekwon-Do, a Korean art of self-defence. Benefits include improving confidence, respect, discipline, awareness, concentration, channeling aggression, balance, coordination, speed, reactions, fitness and health. Call Master Kenneth Wheatley on 087-2547347 for further information. Classes are on Tuesdays evenings (Seniors & Teens) in the Brockagh Resource Centre, Laragh.
Tae kwon-Do for Children
Children will enjoy Taekwon-Do, a Korean art of self-defence. Benefits include improving confidence, respect, discipline, awareness, concentration, channeling aggression, balance, coordination, speed, reactions, fitness and health. Call Master Kenneth Wheatley on 087-2547347 for further information. Classes are on Tuesday evenings in the Brockagh Resource Centre, Laragh.
Brockagh Market & Car Boot Sun 11th
The Brockagh Market & Car Boot is once a month on the 2nd Sun(except Jan/Feb). Open to the public from 10am to 3pm.Tea, coffee and food snacks are available. Indoor and outdoor stalls with a variety of items for sale with plenty of bargains from gifts, clothes, plants, books, toys, aloe vera products, artwork, tools, household items etc. Free parking and customer toilet facilities.
The barrier will be locked from 6pm Saturday evening until 8am Sunday morning. You can contact us by phone 0404 45600 (Wed-Fri 9am to 2pm) or email carbootbrockagh@gmail.com. All stallholders must pre book their space or no entry on the day. www.brockaghresourcecentre.ie.
Active Retirement
Active Retirement Group meet every Tuesday 10.45am – 12pm at the Brockagh Centre. So if you fancy a chat, a cuppa and some light exercise, dancing and music come along on a Tuesday morning. Our monthly lunches are back too every 2nd Tuesday of the month. We’d like to encourage anyone who loves arts & crafts or any other hobby, maybe you’ve learned new skills and would like the space to practice and share your skills with other members, come along and join us. We always welcome new members to join our group. We have been busy planning upcoming activities, workshops and day trips.
We have been busy over the past few weeks doing Card-Making & Flower Arranging Workshops and Chair Yoga. There will be no Active Retirement Meeting next week as we are going on a day trip to Leighlinbridge. Ray Cranley musician will be here at the centre on the 13th June & we will be going on our monthly lunch too. The AR group will be taking their summer break from Tuesday 27th June until September. If anyone would like to offer their services or share their skills with the group please contact the centre. For more information call Denise on 0404 45600, email brockaghoffice@gmail.com or drop in to the centre.
Job Vacancies
Job vacancies for Guides at the moment in the Wicklow Mountains National Park Education Centre in Glendalough and the Knocksink Wood Centre in Enniskerry. The full details for the jobs are outlined on this link
The closing dates are as follows:
Education Guide in Wicklow Mountains National Park : closing date for applications 3.00pm on 01/06/2023
Education Guide Knocksink Wood Nature Reserve : closing date for applications 3.00pm on 01/06/2023
Head Guide in Knocksink Wood Nature Reserve : closing date for applications 3.00pm on 01/06/2023